The Family Pet: Goldy the Goldfish

The best known of fresh water fish is undoubtedly goldfish. The first traces of livestock presence date back to the ancient Chinese dynasties. Even then the fish swam in the basins of temples and garden ponds. It was not until the 16th century that the Japanese engaged in the development of shape mutations through rigorous selective breeding.

The Chinese and Japanese then multiplied the varieties and creative breeding quickly became a popular pastime. Towards the end of the Ming dynasty, each household had its own glass cup or sandmeal container in which fish evolved: Aquariophilia was born! In Europe, it was in 1758 that Linnaeus made the first scientific description of goldfish.

Many ornamental varieties were then obtained by multiple crosses and selections: Shubinkin, Telescope, Oranda, Lionhead, Comet, Bubble… Their are many different colors and shapes, while their clumsy and bobbing swimming pattern will attract your sympathy.

If the glass bowl is often associated with goldfish, it is best to opt for an actual aquarium that will have a larger oxygenation area and thus allow the fish to evolve and grow more freely.


The tap is usually suitable for most fresh water fish if a water conditioner is added that, when added to it, surrounds the gills with a protective film while neutralizing chlorine. A temperature between 58 and 68 degrees is perfect.


The installation of a filter is recommended because these large eaters pollute their water very quickly. The filtration system will lighten the work of partial water renewal.


Cold water fish need oxygen, especially when the temperature exceeds 68 degrees. Hot water stores less oxygen than cold water. An air pump or venturi ventilation is therefore recommended if you intend to keep a goldfish.


Take as a rule of thumb: 1 fish per four gallons of water.

The décor

A large granulated sand or gravel, non-limestone rocks without sharp edges or pebbles (rinsed with clear water) form the base of the décor. Oxygenating plants adapted to low temperatures such as Elodea, Myriophyll, Bacopa… will be able to decorate your aquarium and help keep it healthy.

  • Feeding: Once a day in very small quantities, 2-3 glitter or granules per fish or pellets.
    • Flakes or pellets, preferably floating because they are easier to catch, are the basic diet. Frozen food (vase worms, artemis…) will be a popular supplement.
  • Responsibilities: The average annual maintenance cost is $10 for a 10-gallon aquarium.
    • By purchasing an animal you agree to keep it in conditions consistent with its biological and behavioral needs and to give it careful care in accordance with animal protection laws.
  • Babies: The hatching will then take place within 4 days and they will begin to look for food.
    • Cold-water fish do not mate easily in aquariums. If you are lucky, you will see the male chasing the female without giving her any respite by snouting her in the stomach to induce her to lay eggs. Then bring a bunch of foliage plants into your aquarium because when the female expels the fertilized spawning, it will cling to the plants.

We have had goldfish since I was a child and my husband and I purchased one when we married. They make a great starter pet, one that will provide children with a nice introduction to pet care.