First Blooms

Ah! It's about time! These seedlings still waited until the end of August to bloom! Really, gardening requires patience! It is considered easy to succeed, but once again I am forced to blame the bad weather and the absence of sunshine in July.

Nevertheless, even if the re-entry is almost there, it floats against an air of opportunity, because of the beautiful cloudless sky that we have been having over the last week which is to last for several more days … I almost find it hard to believe it for that matter as it has felt like everything has been draped in rain clouds for far too long.

Still, the flowers don't care.

The flowers, those little marigolds that lift my spirits, they are happy to take advantage of it a little too to show themselves … better late than never I always say … but even if it will not be the avalanche of flowers I had hoped for, this late bloom gives me a little smile when I look outside.

To get back to the plants, of course I had to clear all this, it was about the end of June I think … the young marigold plant is extremely fragile and delicate to move, I did it with as little breakage as possible, minimal, it was not very serious since I also eliminated the weakest seedlings doing so. In the end, there were a few dozen left which was more than enough for the area we set aside.

To fill our garden out a little, I added a cutting of verbena, a pretty salmon pink (which also turns orange or red sometimes) and a cutting of lysimaque that I put absolutely everywhere!

As a reminder, these marigold come from a bag of seeds of various colors and types which I bought last season and kept in my freezer until this summer.

Ideally they grow best in full sun in well-drained dry soil, marigolds make excellent covered colorful floors with their compact and creeping port. But they also do pretty well in pots and boxes. The fluffy, shiny foliage is reminiscent of that of a vintage plant.

Let's hope the rest of September is as pleasant as today so we can enjoy it a little longer!